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CPE Narnia - Parents Resouces

We believe that parent communication and parent participation helps each child to grow and develop to their fullest potential.

Ways to communicate with your child’s educator : face-to face during morning drop off and evening pick up, call the office (514) 932-9137, email the centre info@narnia.qc.ca

Narnia uses ClassDojo to document activities, events, experiences and to share moments of learning with parents.

A number of resources have been put together for new and returning Narnia parents. Please become familiar with these documents and refer to them regularly.

    1    CPE Narnia Educational program

    2    Policy and Procedures

Narnia takes great pride in the organization of events for its community. These include, gatherings at the park, a sing along, family literacy day, a small art exhibit and we encourage parents to participate and share with us their skills and expertise. As events are scheduled, the details will be provided to parents. Our Group events happen in support of the children’s interests and investigations and will be shared on ClassDojo at the time.

Please see the Family Events listed below

    ▪    September : Friends and Freezies! – A Welcome Event In the Park 

    ▪    October : Harvest Festival – A Park Event with pumpkins and muffins

    ▪    December : Holiday Sing-a-long

    ▪    January : Family Literacy Day – A Family Event inviting family members to share books and stories

    ▪    May : Art Exhibit – with a Viewing Event

    ▪    June : Gathering in the Park – A Family Event with snack

    ▪    June : Graduation for Group C

Other annual Affairs 

    ▪    September : Annual General Assembly: Is held each year and all parents are encouraged to attend and to meet the Board of Directors

    ▪    November : Group A/B/C Parent-Educator Meetings. Parents meet with educators to discuss their child’s development. Should the need arise, the educators and director is available for additional meetings throughout the school year.

    ▪    May : Group A/B/C Parent-Educator Meetings. Parents meet with educators to discuss their child’s development. Should the need arise, the educators and director is available for additional meetings throughout the school year.

Links for Parents

Meeting Early Childhood Needs  https://www.mfa.gouv.qc.ca/fr/publication/Documents/programme_educatif.pdf

Gazelle and Pumpkin https://www.mfa.gouv.qc.ca/fr/publication/Documents/guide-gazelle-pumpkin.pdf

Have a Ball Together https://haveaballtogether.ca/

Caring for Kids https://caringforkids.cps.ca/
Naître et grandir https://naitreetgrandir.com/en/feature/

Ministère de la Famille https://www.mfa.gouv.qc.ca/fr/services-de-garde/cpe-garderies/programme-educatif/programme-educatif/Pages/index.aspx

Canada’sFood Guide https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/

Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Development https://www.child-encyclopedia.com/family

Le développement de l’enfant au quotidien – de 0 à 6 ans – Francine Ferland https://www.editions-chu-sainte-justine.org/media/livre/document/253_Tableau_syntheIse_Dev_06ans.pdf

Westmount Public Library https://westlib.org/iguana/www.main.cls?p=*&v=c7e3f585-ec83-4176-ad89-8d9fc21e4d8b#contentitem=a10a220e-2d14-45ca-b0c8-2c6b8ac44689^1

Fostering Second Language Acquisition https://www.narnia.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/BilingualMythsandFactsEnglishinfographic.pdf

CPE Narnia

4100 Sherbrooke West Suite 200, 

Westmount Quebec H3Z 1A5

T: (514) 932-9137

E: info@narnia.qc.ca

Hours of operation
Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm

Upcoming Holidays
Thanksgiving day - Monday October 14th
- The Centre is Closed

Ministère de la Famille Holidays
Thanksgiving day - Monday October 14th
- The Centre is Closed

Labour day - 1st Monday of    September
Yom Kippur - To Be Announced
Rosh Hashanah - To Be Announced
Thanksgiving - 2nd Monday of October
Winter break - December 24th to January 1st
Good Friday - As per calendar
Victoria   Day - As per calendar
Saint Jean Baptiste - June 24th
Canada Day - July 1st

Closure dates 2024-2025 (PDF file)

Privacy Policy for the protection of your information (PDF file

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